Advisory Committee & Organising Committee
Advisory Board

Prof. Derek ELSWORTH
The Pennsylvania State University

Prof. GE Shemin
University of Colorado Boulder

Prof. JIAO Feng
Washington University in
St. Louis

Prof. LIU Yajing
McGill University

University of Detroit Mercy

Prof. Randy DAHLGREN
University of California, Davis
Organising Committee
Chairperson: Prof. SONG Chunshan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Co-Chairs at Earth and Energy Transition Science
- Prof. LIU Lin (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Prof. YANG Hongfeng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Prof. SU Hui ( The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)
Co-Chairs at Energy Science
- Prof. LU Xinhui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Prof. WANG Ying (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Prof. CHEN Hongzheng (Zhejiang Singapore)
- Dr. Nicola GASPARIN (Imperial College London)
- Prof. WANG Lei (National University of Singapore)
- Prof. WANG Ziyun (University of Auckland)
Co-Chairs at Environmental Science:
- Prof. CHOW Tat Shing Alex (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Prof. LUO Haiwei (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Prof. TSUI Tsz Ki Martin (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)